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Permissions in File Explorer



  • There are the baseline permissions for a user account

    • i.e. An Administrator role will have permission to everything, where as a Public User will be more limited based on the permissions that are set for that role


  • These are the “buckets” that set access to folders within File Explorer.

    • i.e. The Public Group will have access to the Public folder


To change permissions for a folder:

Individual Users:

  1. Click on the folder that you would like to edit permissions for

  2. Click Permissions

  3. To change individual user(s) access and permissions, search for and select the user(s) from the list

    1. Choose the permissions for the user(s) be checking the boxes on the right hand side

  4. Press save to apply changes

Role Groups:

  1. Click on the folder that you would like to edit permissions for

  2. Click Permissions

  3. Click on Groups

  4. Choose the desired permission(s) for the Role Group you would like to edit

    1. For example: If an Administrator wanted to give the “Fuels” Role Group access to the CO-WRA folder, they would click on the “Fuels” card

    2. Each icon on the Role Group Card corresponds to a specific permission:

      1. = View Contents

      2. = Download Contents

      3. = Upload to Folder

      4. = Edit Folder and Contents

      5. = Delete Folder Contents

      6. = Full Permissions to Folder

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