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Firewise USA® Project and Activity Guidance for GeoTracks Applications

This document provides step-by-step, agency-wide guidance for reporting Firewise USA® projects and activities in the Planner and GeoTracks applications.

Staff Responsible

Wildfire Resilience Coordinators (WRCs), Forestry Services personnel, and the State Liaison/Program Manager are responsible for capturing Firewise-related data.

Standard operating procedure:  

  • WRCs and the State Liaison will create and manage projects, a.k.a. Firewise sites, in the Planner application. 

  • WRCs, Forestry staff, and the State Liaison will create and manage activities, in both the Planner and GeoTracks applications. As a rule of thumb, if an employee independently performs an activity, then that same employee is responsible for ensuring its recorded in GeoTracks. If two or more employees participate in the same activity, then those involved need to coordinate and designate one individual to record the data in GeoTracks; ensuring data isn’t lost nor duplicated.

General Framework for Data Entry


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