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File Explorer Overview

  1. Folders - List of folders in File Explorer.

  2. Recent Files - List of all files that have been recently uploaded or modified.

  3. Home - Takes user to the home page.

  4. All Files - List of all files in File Explorer. Contains a search box, and allows the user to navigate to specific files based on name without navigating through folder structure.

  5. Recent - List of recently uploaded or modified files.

  6. Starred - List of starred files.

  7. Folders - Tiled display of all folders.

Accessing a Folder & Downloading/Sharing/Favoriting a file

  1. Select the folder you wish to access

  2. To download, share or favorite a file click the on the row of the file

  3. Click on the desired action button

Uploading File to a Folder


  1. Click Folders and select desired destination folder

  2. Click NEW and select Upload File

  3. Drag and drop a file or click to open file explorer to select file from the computer

File Explorer is permission based and users may not have access to certain functionalities

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