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App Access & Signing In

Accessing the Colorado Forest Atlas Portal (CFA)

The Colorado Forest Atlas Information Panel is located at

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Microsoft Internet Explorer is known to have functional issues with the applications and is not recommended.

Signing In

To Sign In follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click on the Sign In button in the navigation bar of the Colorado Forest Atlas

  2. You will be directed to the Sign In screen

  3. If you previously registered for the Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (CO-WRA), you do not need to register for the Forest Atlas. Sign in with your CO-WRA credentials

Use of the Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner requires prior registration and approval. If you have not signed in on the Colorado Forest Atlas Portal, you will be required to sign in prior to accessing the Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner.

You only need to register and create an account if you want to access the Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner. To use the Wildfire Risk Viewer or other public applications, you do not need to register.

Request an Account

To register/request an account follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Click the Request Account button on the center of the homepage

  2. Complete the required fields and provide a Reason for Access

  3. Click Send to send your request for access

Your registration request will be forwarded to the CSFS Forest Atlas Administrator for review. Registrations are usually approved the same day. You will receive a notification through email when your account has been approved.

My Profile

To access your user profile follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Sign into the Colorado Forest Atlas Portal

  2. Click on the user profile icon in the top right corner of the screen

  3. Click My Profile in the pop up card

Edit Your Profile

To edit the information on your profile, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to your profile on the Colorado Forest Atlas Portal

  2. Click Edit Profile

  3. Make any necessary changes

  4. Click Save to apply the changes

Depending on the changes you made, you may need to sign in again.

Reset Your Password

To reset your password from the sign in screen, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Colorado Forest Atlas Portal

  2. Click Sign In to go to the sign in screen

  3. Click Forgot Password?

  4. Enter the email associated with your account

  5. Click Send Email

  6. You will receive an email with a link to create a new password. Follow the instructions and steps outlined in that email.

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