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September 2023

Web Version: September 2023 Release

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Colorado Forest Atlas.

What’s New?

  1. GeoTracks

    • Clean up columns on the product removal grid

  2. Planner

    • Exporting Activities table to include all available columns

    • Landowners cannot be deleted

    • Improve viewing an activity from the project summary page

    • Add Data Sharing Agreement field to landowner summary

    • SADL export is working

    • More streamlined process to move individual activities to different plans

  3. COWRA Applications

    • Update SVI layer in Wildfire Risk Viewer and Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner

    • Changes to SVI layer symbology

    • Change to SVI symbology

What’s Fixed?

  1. GeoTracks

    • Clicking yes to Monitoring crashes the web application

    • Forest Stewardship reference raster does not load

    • Unable to save edits made to the summary tab on the activity card

    • GT should autofill to Default project when creating a new activity not when editing

    • Map canvas moves after click save & close on activity card

    • Invalid exported SHP from GT

    • Issue uploading selected mutli-part polygons

    • Unable to export mapping data

  2. Planner

    • Menu tab defaults to open

    • Project export within the DPA Plan does not work

    • Issues with the Funding page

    • Issue with searching the Projects list

    • Duplicate Projects are showing in DPA Plan link tool and DPA plan project list

    • Funding status is not being displayed in activity details

    • Default projects are not being created in new DPA Plans

    • The number of Projects in a DPA Plan is different in the Link tool/DPA Plan project list vs Project Grid

    • UoM Field Not saving

    • Issue when editing Activity from Project overview activity list

    • Edits made to existing Projects do not show when editing

    • Issue with searching the Projects list

  3. UAM

    • Pending Requests and Account Request tabs are missing in UAM

  4. COWRA Applications

    • Full Themes Descriptions - Change the link to the knowledge base page with map themes (RRP and WRV)

    • The fire Protection Districts layer also has cities layer (this issue is fixed in the map canvas, work is in progress to fix the legend)

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