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Planner Overview & User Interface

This Reference Guide will provide an interface overview of the Activity & Project Planner also referred to as the Planner.

Accessing Planner

To access the Planner, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Click the Sign In button in the middle of the page

  3. Enter your approved sign in credentials and click LOGIN

  4. On the portal screen, under Agency click Activity & Project Planner

App Navigation

  1. Summary page - default page when Planner opens showing information related to Funding Sources, DPA Plans, Projects, and Activities

  2. Plan Management pages - navigate to different Plan Management pages and grids by clicking the page title

  3. Menu - navigate to Home, Profile, Applications, Support, Clear table preferences, Contact, or Logout

  4. 3 line menu - expand or collapse the left panel

  5. Create button - create new Funding Source, DPA Plan, Projects, Activities or landowners

Grid Navigation

The DPA Plans, Projects, Activities, and Landowners pages can be viewed and edited through grids.

All grids behave in a similar way.

  1. Filter - filter the grid

  2. Search bar - search the grid

  3. Grid view tools - change the number of items in the grid and navigate pages

  4. Bulk action - select multiple rows and click to perform bulk action

  5. Export - export the grid

  6. Column chooser - configure the columns displayed in the grid

  7. View - view the summary

  8. More options - click to view more actions

    1. Open in GeoTracks

    2. Change status

    3. Archive

    4. Edit

    5. Delete

Not all Action buttons will be available in all grids.

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