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June/July 2023

Web Version: 2.0.1 - June 2023 Release

Mobile Version: - July 13th Realease

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Colorado Forest Atlas.

What’s New?

  1. Data

    1. Ability to access mapping data collected in GeoTracks in other applications

    2. Add the Colorado Forest Products Mills layer to the Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner and the Forest Action Plan 2020.

    3. Update Congressional Districts Layers in Forest Action Plan 2020

  2. GeoTracks/Planner

    1. Add Forest Stewardship layer to GeoTracks web as a reference layer

    2. Add a checkbox button to a private landowner that says “Agrees to Data Sharing”

    3. Changes to Add New Landowner Panel - change “Name” and “Name2” to “First Name” and “Last Name”

    4. Added an export button to Funding Sources in Planner

    5. Added a funding source status column to the funding source grid for Projects and Activities in Planner

    6. Added data field to the New Projects page named “Deed Name”

    7. Added data field for Forest Management Treatment Activities called “Unique ID”

    8. Added legal description to project location

    9. Remove the “Personnel” tab from GeoTracks web

    10. Deactivated PLSS boundaries and PLSS intersected in GeoTracks web

    11. Move Activity Details to its own tab on the activity card.

    12. Activity tools now show when a user hovers over an Activity in the Activity list or the Activity card header

    13. Improve editing an Activity from the Project Summary page workflow

  3. Mobile

    1. Reorganizing environment buttons (Production, Training, Staging)

      1. Default is Production

    2. Offline Maps functionality has been added

    3. NAIP TPKs added

    4. Topo VTPK added

    5. Ability to access sideloaded TPKs functionality has been added

      1. Ability to move downloaded tpks to device storage has been added

  4. UAM

    1. Automatically add users to Active Personnel if role is GeoTracks Editor

      1. This only adds them when creating a user through UAM. Modifications and user archiving are not taken into account.

  5. Portal

    1. Edits to the wording of the CFA main page

What’s Fixed?

  1. GeoTracks/Planner

    1. Planner grid loading speed for projects and activity has been improved

    2. Error saving activity in an edit session in Planner

    3. The summary page in Planner is not accurate

    4. Deleted DPA Plans in Planner is not reflected in GeoTracks

    5. Problems with the Landowner tab in the Activity card in GeoTracks

    6. Issues with filters impacting subfield filters in Planner

    7. GeoTracks should autofill to Default Project when editing activity

    8. Landowner Address and County do not show up in the Projects tab

    9. DPA Plans that were deleted in Planner show up in GeoTracks web when adding activity

    10. Strange data field issue for Forest Management Treatment Activities in Planner

    11. Move 2021 and 2022 Large Fire Perimeters

    12. Error when requesting account

    13. Activity Name layer is working

    14. When typing in a filter, what is typed is not replaced by what is selected- instead, a chip is placed around the selected items

    15. Opening an Activity in Gt through Planner corrupts dates

  2. Mobile

    1. Forgot Password button is not working

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