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January 2024

Web Version: January 2024 Release

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Colorado Forest Atlas.

What’s New?

  1. GeoTracks

    • Added ability to filter by Field Office and whether an Activity has mapping

    • Added Activity Name to polygon export

    • Added new Collaborative Types

  2. Planner

    • Added ability to filter by Field Office, whether an Activity has mapping, and Area

    • Filter functionality improvements

    • Added PLSS data back to location search

  3. COWRA

    • Added language to Export to Google Earth

  4. SADL

    • Performance Improvements

What’s Fixed?

  1. GeoTracks

    • Deleted Features have been removed

    • UAS VO dissappearing when entering an edit session

    • Unable to export mapping data

    • Unable to search for/add DPA Plan to new Activities

  2. Planner

    • Admins have ability to delete funding sources

    • DPA Plan not populated when editing a project

    • Filter boxes not loading list of available options

    • Wording inconsistencies between filters and columns

    • Data not loading when viewing/editing an Activity

    • No DPA Plans load in the Link tool

    • City and County filters not populating on the Projects tab

    • Unable to filter projects by DPA Plan

    • Unable to remove personnel from Activities

  3. SADL

    • Dates are not loading in grid view

  4. File Explorer

    • Export Consent Users tab is missing

    • Folders disappear and reappear when refreshing page

    • Folders not loading for some users

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