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February 1, 2023

Web Version: 0.1.0

Mobile Version:

Learn about the latest enhancements and fixes in Colorado Forest Atlas.

February 1, 2023 Release

What’s New?

  1. Data

    1. Add fire perimeter data for 2021-2022 to all applications

  2. GeoTracks

    1. Add delete functionality to GeoTracks web

    2. Remove the “draw” and “stop” buttons when drawing a feature so it goes automatically

    3. Pan and zoom to Activity when opened in GeoTracks through Planner

  3. GeoTracks/Planner

    1. New Activity Type: Drone Flight Log

    2. Add New Activity Types for Activity Category Collaboratives

    3. Add a button that links to the CSFS knowledgebase

  4. Mobile

    1. Identify selected Activity and map features in GeoTracks mobile by highlighting in yellow

  5. Planner

    1. Add Deed Name to Landowner information

    2. Add ability to delete or omit a landowner when creating a new Project

    3. Add a "Created By" filter option to the Projects page

    4. Update “Ownership Kind” to “Ownership” and “Ownership Category” to “Manager” on all landowner pages

    5. Add phone 2, phone 3, email 2, email 3 to the landowner details as its own field

    6. Add filters to the DPA plan link to new plan interface

    7. Add permissions for Archive and Copy for DPA Plans and Projects

  6. Wildfire Risk Viewer

    1. Change order of fire perimeter history layers starting with most recent

What’s Fixed?

  1. GeoTracks

    1. Load Activity List and Activity location without having to search for activities

    2. iPad crashing with filter feature

    3. Problems with entering data for extended times

    4. Topographic Wetness Index Raster loads

  2. GeoTracks/Planner

    1. Allow users to use the date picker to select the same date for an Activity Status as an existing Status date

  3. Mobile

    1. Update Activity List refresh

    2. By default set project as “Default” and remove “Home Area” and “Home Office” from user profile

  4. Planner

    1. Update save and edit features

    2. Priority analysis upload overwrites address information when editing a project

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